Loop Offices, 1030 Vienna

The three principles of ecological construction: durability, reduction and modularity are optimally implemented in this office building.

The shape of the "nugget" makes it possible: the freestanding office building impresses with its ideal volume-to-surface ratio. With its all-round facade, it is recognizable from all sides and its shape itself makes it a word-image brand.

The facade is divided into two envelopes - inside the dark thermal envelope, which is enclosed by a light solar protection facade to create an ideal indoor climate in all areas.

According to the site characteristics shown in the urban climate analysis map of Vienna, we have modeled a curved building structure with a high degree of self-shading, taking into account the main wind direction. Roofs are designed as extensive green roofs with retention layers in combination with PV, outside of the terrace use areas.

Energy supply on the basis of heat pump systems with geothermal heat utilization, including seasonal heat storage together with photovoltaic electricity production already reduces CO2 emissions to a minimum and creates the basis for completely emission-free building operation by 2040 at the latest.

A life-cycle based separability and reparability of all elements of the interior and the building services is systematically ensured. Finally, the modularity of the façade allows changes as well as recyclability at the high level of component reuse. Accordingly, the criteria of economy in the use of resources, robustness and stability of value, and in particular also of economic efficiency in operational management, maintenance and use are fulfilled.

Project facts

Location: Arsenalstraße 11, Vienna, Austria

Competition: 1st place
GFA above ground: 15.750 m²
BGF underground: 6.830 m²




Allora Epsilon GmbH & Co KG
Certification & Facility:
Alpha & Partner Consulting GmbH
Techcon GmbH
Statics, building physics:
Pilz und Partner ZT GmbH
Fire protection:
Hoyer Brandschutz GmbH
Energy efficiency certification:
RM Engineering
Utilization and space conception:
SC Concepts